► Preliminary Sketches or Renderings

Make your own sketches or use Leonardo.ai to give you some preliminary ideas

If you are using sketches you can also turn your sketches into renderings using Open Art AI.

► Project Name and Logo

Use Ideogram.ai

You can use ChatGPT to help come up with a name or ideas.

► Team/Company Name and Logo

Use Ideogram.ai

You can use ChatGPT to help come up with a name or ideas.

► Self Bio

Write about who you are (use MBTI personalities if you need to), state your MBTI, your ambitions, what you like, your specialty, what role would you like to play in your team, etc. to create a third person bio.

You can feed in your points into ChatGPT and ask it to write you a short third person bio.

If you do not wish to put your 'real' picture up there, you can use Alter Photo to alter your photo.

► Team Wepage

Pass your bio to the Project Manager to be compiled into the Team Page.

You can use this HTML Tutorial to help you.

► About Webpage

Write something on what your team/company is about.

You can use ChatGPT to help.

► Create video clips tracking and video documenting the journey of your team working together in this competition.

By creating video clips tracking and video documenting the journey of your team working together in this competition, discussing, generating images with apps, your team member sketching up a drawing of the building -- all these will help you tell a great story when you start doing your video presentation.

Extrovert Perceivers are usually good at taking videos.

Introvert Perceivers are usually good at putting these videos together during video editing.

► Questions and Answers

You can refer to the Questions page for sample questions and answers.

☛ Questions based on Architectural Concepts and Principles.

☛ Questions based on Competion Requirements and Self.

☛ Answers to Questions

You can use ChatGPT to help.

► Based on Your Answer Generate the Different Parts of the Interior

You can generate the layout of the main interior -- the concourse, its wings, the location of the chief minister's office, etc.

► (Optional) You Can Also Come Up With A Floor Plan to Illustrate Your Layout

You can easiy do the floor plan in Microstation or Cedro

► Main Design Webpage Based on Answers to Questions

Insert your generated images and create some write up based on the features/answers you came up with.

If your images are a bit blury, you can use i2img.com to upscale or sharpen it.

You can use ChatGPT to help convert your points into a write up for the contents of your webpage.

► Create a 3D Model of Your Building Using Microstation or SketchUp

Use Microstation

► Create a Screen Recording Video of you using Microstation

Use Microstation

► Render Your 3D Model In LumenRT

Use LumenRT

► Render Your 3D Model In ReRender

Use ReRenderAI

► Remove Watermarks From Your Image

Use WatermarkRemover.io

► Make a LumenRT Video

Use LumenRT

► Make an Inteview or Presentation Script Based on Answers to Questions

This is a list of questions you would pose to the interviewee to answer. The purpose of the interview format is to include anyone into the presentation, get them comfortable and prompt them for answers. This creates footage for your video and doesnt have to be in order.

► Make a Script For Your Video

You can use ChatGPT to help.

This script will include what the narrator of the video is going to say, and how you will piece together the interview and presentation pieces.

► Start Shooting Interview/Presentation Video Clips

The videographer will have to do this

► Create a presenter video for your clips

You can use Veed.io to help generate a presenter or you can present yourself.

► Convert Your Rendered Images into Video Clips

Use runwayml.com

► Convert Building Images into Sketches

Use PromeAI, or fotor.com or Leonardo.ai

► Create Your Logo Into An Animated Logo

Best to remove the background of your logo first using remove.bg

Then create your animated logo with rederforest.com

► Create a Video with Capcut

You can use the images and video clips you generated along with stock footage in CapCut, or download YouTube Videos as footage, or videos in the video package you downloded to create a video

You can also add sound effects and stickers in CapCut to enhance your video.

Remember, a good presentation will double the value of a great product.