Team Members

Team Member 1

Ethan Bennett

Role: Project Manager

Bio: Ethan is driven by a passion for developing technologies that can positively impact society, with a particular focus on creating assistive devices for individuals with disabilities. With a steadfast commitment to learning and a natural curiosity, Ethan envisions a future where technology serves as a tool for inclusivity and accessibility.

Team Member 2

Aisha Williams

Role: Analyst

Bio: A dedicated student with a passion for astronomy, Aisha spends her weekends attending local stargazing events and participating in science competitions. Her ambition is to contribute to our understanding of the cosmos, aiming to inspire future generations with the wonders of space exploration.

Team Member 3

Caleb Mitchell

Role: Video Editor

Bio: Caleb Mitchell is a determined high school student with a passion for computer science and cybersecurity. Growing up surrounded by technology, Caleb developed a fascination for the intricacies of coding and cybersecurity challenges. He spends his weekends participating in hackathons and coding competitions, showcasing his skills in ethical hacking.

Team Member 4

Zoe Carter

Role: Web Designer

Bio: Zoe developed a deep appreciation for nature and a sense of urgency to address environmental challenges. Passionate about conservation, she actively engages in local eco-friendly initiatives and organizes community clean-up events. With dreams of studying ecology and sustainable development, Zoe hopes to inspire positive change and instill a sense of environmental responsibility in her community and beyond.

Team Member 5

Liam Turner

Role: CAD Designer

Bio: From a young age, Liam has been captivated by the possibilities of technology, spending countless hours coding and building various electronic gadgets in his makeshift home lab. His ambition is to revolutionize the field of robotics, envisioning a future where intelligent machines enhance and simplify human life. Liam actively participates in robotics competitions and hackathons, showcasing his creative problem-solving skills.

Team Member 6

Liv Thompson

Role: Presenter

Bio: Liv Thompson is a spirited and ambitious aspiring journalist with a deep passion for storytelling. Known for her eloquent writing and keen observation skills, Liv has been involved in her school's newspaper and literary magazine since freshman year. Her ambition is to pursue a career in journalism, aiming to become a voice for those whose stories often go unheard.